Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Note from the Author:

Dear Readers, Cyberspace Wanderers, World Wide Web Surfers, Family and Friends,

Welcome! Here writes your faithful author and corespondent Jenna Lyles, reporting from an undisclosed location in sunny downtown Charleston. You will find over the weeks the ranks of those featured in this photo-blog collection swelling to include activists, paramedics, students, writers, world-adventurers, business-owners, and various and sundry other sorts of luminaries hailing from our very own LGBTQQIA community here in Charleston. I have undertaken this project in an effort to catalog, to document, to connect, to showcase, and to investigate the minds and lives of just a very few of the very many extraordinary folks residing in this lovely place at this particular moment in time. I will present you, our readers, with an interview-style conversation between myself and the participant of the week, along with a photo of said victim. The interviews have been transcribed painstakingly from audio recordings, and whittled down to the fine forms you find here. If any reader has a desire for the extended versions, let them simply contact me through email (jflyles-at-gmail-dot-com) with a request. Additionally welcome are nuggets of constructive criticism, honestly-conceived inquiries, questions which you would like to see put to a future interviewee, and nominations of extraordinary individuals who you may wish to see featured in this project. This project is a part of the local nonprofit group Alliance For Full Acceptance. I do hope that you find these amateur forays into journalism interesting and informative.

I remain sincerely yours,

J. F. Lyles

1 comment:

  1. Jenna, I just wanted to tell you that this project is awesome! Thank you for all of your hard work :)
